mera balam thanedar upcoming story : Mera balam Thanedar is the newly launched of Colours TV. This story is about Inspector Veer, who hates lies married to an underaged Bulbul. How will Veer sort out the scenario when he discover out the reality about Bulbul?
mera balam thanedar upcoming story : Within the latest episode we noticed; Devendar says to Geetha that she shouldn’t divulge to Bulbul that she is eighteen years outdated. Bulbul asks her what are they saying? He manages to lie with Bulbul. Veer worries about Bulbul. Varadha advises to him. Veer visits Bulbul’s home to choose her up. Bulbul learns that Drishti went to her uncle home.
Drishti is decided to grab Veer from Bulbul. Veer helps Ambar to wash the home. Veer test Bulbul’s childhood album. He notices the calendar in behind. He will get suspicious of her age. Devender manages to lie with him. Later, Bulbul ask Geetha if she hiding something from her? Geetha hesitates to disclose the reality. Bulbul was impressed by Veer’s care on Geetha.
Within the upcoming episode viewers will see; Bulbul will demand Geetha to disclose the reality. She ask her to swear on her. Geetha will divulge to her that she is underaged woman. She isn’t 18years outdated but. Bulbul is shocked to listen to it.