Mera balam Thanedar Serial gossip : Mera balam Thanedar is the newly launched of Colors TV. This story is about Inspector Veer, who hates lies married to an underaged Bulbul. How will Veer tackle the situation when he find out the truth about Bulbul?
In the recent episode we saw; Bulbul demand Geetha to reveal the truth. She ask her to swear on her. Geetha reveal to her that she is minor. She isn’t 18years old yet. Bulbul is shocked to hear it. Bulbul complaints to her mom that she did everything for her husband. But she won’t allow anything to affect Thanedar’s life. She asks her mom why didn’t she stopped Papa.
Mera balam Thanedar Serial gossip : Geetha reveals to her that she tried to inform Veer twice about it. But She will definitely reveal to Veer that she is underaged girl. Veer and Devendar come there at that time. Devendar threatens Bulbul not to reveal the truth. Veer informs them that Rana was punished.
In the upcoming episode viewers will see; The priest will ask Veer and Bulbul to takes a pehras. They start taking pehras together. Veer notice a glass shreds. He steps on it to prevent Bulbul from getting hurt. Bulbul worries about him.